Call for papers | Special Issue of Systems (SSCI)

Call for papers | 
Special Issue of Systems (SSCI)

01 期刊介绍 Journal Introduction


Systems is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal on systems theory in practice, including fields such as systems engineering management, environmental management and complex social systems, published bimonthly online by MDPI. It can be indexed within SSCI (Web of Science), Scopus, dblp, and other databases.

02 专刊主题 Special Issue

征稿主题为“Futures Thinking in Design Systems and Social Transformation”,属于Systems期刊中的“Systems Design”内容板块。


This special issue “Futures Thinking in Design Systems and Social Transformation” belongs to the section “Systems Design”.

Complex global challenges drive concern about the uncertain future of nature and society. In engaging with large-scale problems,future literacy and design foresight are becoming indispensable in designing systems and play a vital role in enhancing social resilience. Facing the challenges of social change and survival caused by Anthropocene and globalization crisis, rethinking and foreseeing the future social landscape is becoming the new direction of the design discipline. Social and humanistic speculation and guidance of sustainable direction should not be ignored. Future thinking combines foresight, speculation and design fiction to identify the causal relationship of complexity and find innovative paths of innovation to deliver social well-being and economic prosperity. Future-oriented design is used to tackle challenges in traditional field and application modes for enterprises, society, education and industry, and in shaping a network for global sharing and co-creation. The aim is to provide a compass guiding the development of society toward sustainable, equitable and desirable futures, and to make strategic decisions vital to social transformation. 

03 专刊编委 Guest Editor

Anna Barbara(米兰理工大学设计学院,意大利)
Peter Scupelli(卡内基梅隆大学设计学院,美国)

04 征稿网址 Website

05 截稿时间 Deadline


06 支持单位 Support Unit

全球设计未来网络(Global Design Futures Network)
清华大学艺术与科技创新基地(Art and Tech Innozone, THU)
